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Chamomile & Lavender

Chamomile & Lavender

Regular price £4.75
Regular price Sale price £4.75
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50g pack

We have only 3 packs in stock

The soothing relaxing properties of Chamomile combined with Lavender's numerous properties including the soothing of the nervous system and headaches and as combatant against bronchial problems.


chamomile flowers, lavender blossom

Brewing Instructions

Amount per cup: 1 teaspoonful
Brew time: 5-10mins
Water temperature: 100°C

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  • Brewing Herb Tea

    Use about 1 heaped teaspoon per cup (adjust according to taste).

    Add boiling water.

    Allow to brew for 5-8 mins (or as recommended on pack label).

  • Herb and spice teas can provide a number of health benefits and like fruit teas most contain no caffeine. Some herb teas are great when you want to chill out and relax whilst others can deliver a bit of a lift when you feel you want an energy boost.

    But most important of all... they taste fantastic!

Why not try a Fruit Tea